Home / Lectures.Comparative Religion / Muhammad in world scriptures

Prophet Muhammad (saw) prophecised in Religious World Scriptures
Topic: Comparative Religion
Duration/Lessons: +1hr 45mins / 1 lesson
Course Text: Holy Quran, Holy Bible, Hindu Scriptures, Zoroastrian Scriptures, Buddhist scriptures.
Course Teacher: Moneeb Minhas
About: Shaykh Atabek Shukurov's student Moneeb Minhas delivers a lecture to a Muslim and Non-Muslim audience from the school he teaches in. The Lecture was a topic requested by a non-muslim audience who attend his weekly Seerah class. The lecture is a 4 part lecture on the topic of "Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad in world scriptures". Muslims are of the belief that the Prophet of Arabic known to mankind as Prophet Muhammad was not just a Prophet for the people of Arabia, but was the last and final Messenger that was prophecised in all religions that would come towards the end of times to guide all of mankind to the oneness of God and truth.
The lecture series delves into the science of prophecies and how the Quran also speaks about the Prophet Muhammad (saw) being a Prophet for the "universe" and not just one region. Then it goes into how the Quran speaks highly of other Prophets in the world and the universality of religion. Where it acknowledges that "...We (God) certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], "Worship the Lord and shun evil." - Quran 16:36. and it also states in Quran 35:24 "Verily We have sent thee (Oh Muhammad) in truth, as a bearer of glad tidings, and as a warner: and there never was a nation, without a warner (Messenger, Prophet, Guide) having lived among them (in the past)."
The lecture series is taught in four parts:
1. Introduction to Prophecies
2. Muhammad (saw) in Judeo-Christian Scriptures (Bible)
3. Muhammad (saw) in Hindu Scriptures
4. Muhammad (saw) in Zoroastrian and Buddhist Scriptures
Lecture Notes:
Please download the lecture powerpoint and supporting material to reap the full benefit of the lecture. The Powerpoint can be downloaded from the link below which the speaker goes through in the lecture. Follow the visuals on screen using the PowerPoint.
Please note: the powerpoint presentation is provided for your benefit. Please download it, review it, analyse it, study it and present the lecture yourself without hesitation. The speaker has provided the presentation for the benefit of the Ummah and wants others to also deliver the lecture in their hometown to their communities. In return, please do dua (pray) for the lecturer that Allah blesses him in this life and the hereafter. Ameen. If you find any mistakes in the presentation please notify the lecturer on
Part 1 MIWS - Lecture Presentation
Please download this powerpoint presentation which is covered in the lecture.
Part 2 MIWS - Lecture Presentation
Please download this PowerPoint presentation which is covered in the lecture.
Part 3 MIWS - Lecture Presentation
Please download this PowerPoint presentation which is covered in the lecture.
Part 4 MIWS - Lecture Presentation
Please download this PowerPoint presentation which is covered in the lecture.
Questionnaire for participants
Please download this questionnaire which is covered in Part 1 lecture.