Dr. Shaykh Sayyed Muhammad bin Yahya Al-Husayni Al-Ninowy
He is Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Yahya son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Sa'id son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Ali Al-Ninowy, who's family descends from the southern Iraqi village of Ninowa. Shaykh Muhammad's 33rd grandfather is the known blind pious scholar, Al-imam Ibrahim Al-Mujab, (the first one of the family of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, to migrate to Ninowa and established an Islamic University system).
Al-Imam Ibrahim Al Mujab is the son of Al-Imam Muhammad Al-Aabed, son of Al Imam Musa Al Kathem, son of Al Imam Ja'far As-Saadeq, son of Al Imam Muhammad Al- Baqer, son of Al-Imam Zaynul'Abideen Ali,son of the Martyred Imam sayyidina Al-Husayn As-sibt, son of Maulana Al-Imam Ameer Al- Mu'mineen Ali bin Abi Taleb and the Lady Fatima Azzahra, daughter of the Best of the creation Sayyidina Muhammad bin Abdillah bin Abdil-Muttaleb bin Hashem from the tribe of Quraysh, sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam.
His 4rth grandfather As-Sayyed Muhammad bin Ali immigrated for business and traded in olives and olive oil from Iraq to Northern Syria and settled in the north east parts of Aleppo ( Halab) where he had his first born son As- Sayyed Sa'id who married a local woman and had a son; Sidi Muhammad bin Sa'id and a female. Sidi Muhammad married an honorable Lady named Fatima, and they had two sons : As-Sayyed Sa'id and As-Sayyed Yahya and 6 daughters. As-Sayyed Yahya (may Allah shower him with his Mercy and blessings and raise his rank in paradise) had two sons: Muhammad and Isa, may Allah protect them.
Shaykh Muhammad was born in Aleppo( Halab) the northern capital of Syria in 1389 AH in a family who maintained it's religious and honorable Qur'an and Sunnah traditions.
Shaykh Muhammad began his study under his father, Sayyed Yahya, rahmatullahi alaih, memorising the Glorious Qur'an and acquiring knowledge in many of the Islamic disciplines, including Aqeedah, Fiqh, Hadith and Ihsaan, with ijaazas (license to teach). He particularly specialises in the fields of Hadeeth and Tawheed.
He attended Al- Azhar Sharif University, Faculty of Usool-uddeen, where he studied under many scholars. In addition, he was under the tutelage of many stars of this century who resided in Syria, Madina, Makkah, Tangiers, Fez, Rabat, Egypt and Sudan. He sat at the feet of, and was authorized by, many scholars such as Al-Imam Al- Hafeth As-Sayyed Abdullah bin Assidiqq Ghumari, Hafeth Abul Aziz bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, Hafeth Ibrahim bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, and Hafeth Hasan bin Assiddiqq Ghumari, radiaAllah anhum, Shaykh Hasan Qaribullah of Sudan, Shaykh Abdullah Al-Husayni, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Bata'ihi, Shaykh Jamil Ar-Rifaiy, the 110 year old Shaykh Al Nakhibi and others. Among the Mashayekh he learnt from are Shaykh Abdullah Siraj-Addin Al-Husayny, the Ba'Alawi scholars, Shaykh Abdullah At-Talidi, Shaykh Qaribullah of Sudan, the late Muhaddith Al-Haramayn Sayyed Muhammad Alawi Al-Maliki and many other honorable scholars around the world.